Pondering Minstrel

Wednesday, November 17, 2004


A blogger I visit regularly just got a nice gift from a reader, so being that my husband just broke our blender and we need some other kitchen appliances, I've put a link to my Amazon Wishlist in the right column. What the hell. I might get lucky.

On the email front, I got my first email subscriber the other day! Sorry to single you out, but you're kind of... singular at the moment. I made him confirm twice, just to be sure.

I write my blog for me, primarily, but it's nice to know that other people find it interesting. For those that don't want to visit everyday but still want to read my blog, you can sign up, at right, to receive my posts in your email inbox, or click this link.

In other news, I just found out that my Uncle Sam (yes, he's really my uncle and his name is Sam) has been battling stomach cancer for the past year and half. He has had 70% of his stomach removed, and he expects to be in treatment for another 3 and a half years. Initially, they didn't give him a very good chance for survival. After his first operations, he was taken to the ICU instead of recovery.

His treatments make him tired, and he also can't eat much, but he said that eating a lot was never good for him anyway. He says he feels fine, and he sounds good. I think he expects to make a full recovery.

When I found out he had cancer, I phoned my father and cousin, only to discover that I was the only one that didn't know. Somehow, I've become a "connected" Robinson Crusoe. I've got email. I've got a phone. Why wasn't I told?

The only other person I can think of that probably doesn't know is my Uncle Tom because he doesn't have email and whatnot. That's right. I have an Uncle Sam and an Uncle Tom. I've got the makings for my own comic strip, but who am I kidding? He probably knew.