Pondering Minstrel

Tuesday, November 09, 2004


If profanity offends you or you don't want to read an angry but hilarious rant, don't click this link. Jumperless had the link in her blog, along with some others that are pretty good, too.

I was trying to remain optimistic. A president's second term is unpredictable. Bush won with 51% of the vote. Since 48% of Americans didn't vote for Bush, and he stated that he wanted the divisiveness to end, I hoped he might be a more moderate president this time around. Maybe he's really not such a bad guy.

Then Rove announces that President Bush will pursue a Constitutional Amendment to ban gay marriage. (When did campaign managers start making policy announcements?) Well, pursuing an amendment to restrict the rights of US citizens, along with supporting Clarence Thomas for the Chief Justice seat told me that he's probably going to be more conservative than ever.

How does a country come together when some people believe that abortion is murder and gay marriage marks the continued deterioration of societal values, and the other side sees an unnecessary war as murder for profit and the banning of gay marriage as a violation of basic civil liberties?

Needless to say, I'm unhappy, but I'm not ready to pack up for America Jr. and probate over America's greatness to the "moral" majority. Assuming that there wasn't any tampering with the electronic voting machines, I'll accept that George W. Bush was elected for a second term. I'll even accept that he won the popular vote, but he does not represent my beliefs or convictions.