Pondering Minstrel

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


Is it just me, or are cell phones getting ridiculously complicated? PCMag is running an article, New From Nokia, highlighting some of Nokia's new phones exhibited at a show for potential investors in New York.

They were hawking phones so big, they "could double as a paving stone or a house brick," and they had a batch of kiddie phones that let kids play force-feedback games and beam lighted messages across the room. Yes, let's innundate our children with more video games. What ever happened to reading a good book?

This takes the cake.

The Achilles heel of Nokia's 6620 and 7610 smartphones is their lack of a keyboard. Nokia aims to solve that problem with a folding Bluetooth keyboard, similar to the ones you can buy for PDAs.

Hmmm... a keyboard for my phone. Okay. Whatever.

It slices, it dices and wipes your ass all at the same time!