Pondering Minstrel

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Mu husband and I just got back from dropping off our absentee ballots. We took the day off to vote. I've voted in two other presidential elections, my husband has voted in 4. What's amazing to me is his presidential voting record, as of today.

Ronald Reagn - 1980
Ronald Reagan - 1984
George H.W. Bush - 1988
George H.W. Bush - 1992
Didn't vote - 1996
Didn't vote (with great regret) - 2000
John Kerry - 2004

Once considered a died-in-the-wool Republican by most people (I don't ever recall hearing him criticize Reagan, with only minor criticism of H.W. Bush) is so mad at Bush Jr. and the Republican party that he... wait for it... SWITCHED parties! I told him that Bruce Bartlett, a domestic policy advisor to Ronald Reagan and treasury official for George H.W. Bush, told the NY Times that if George W. Bush is re-elected, there will be a civil war in the Republican Party come November 3.

To be fair, I should mention that he is not a big fan of John Kerry. However, he believes Kerry's logic and approach to running the country is less flawed, less dangerous and less corrupt than that of W. Bush, in addition to believing that Bush is destroying what makes this country a beacon for the "huddled masses" seeking freedom and equality, our civil liberties.

He may read this and tell me that I've misrepresented him to some extent ( I don't think he will), but that's the message I get in our conversations together.

My polling place in California wasn't packed during the lunch hour, but they had a steady stream of voters.