Pondering Minstrel

Tuesday, October 12, 2004


The Washington Post reported on Internet rumors of a boxy bulge in the back of President Bush's suit jacket at the first debate, leading to speculation among netizens that he was wired to get help with answers. A Bush official joked it off saying something about "little green men and the grassy knoll."

Bush's tailor even got into the act by stating that the bulge is just a "pucker along the jacket's back seam", according to the Seattle Times. If you've seen the pictures, it's definitely not a pucker in the jacket, and a Salon.com reporter reminds us of the long pauses in the debate. But honestly, could he really have been "fed" those answers? If I had been the guy whispering answers in the President's ear, I wouldn't admit it either.

Apparently it's created quite a buzz on the net. Hell, I'm writing about it. Someone's even started a website, isbushwired.com, dedicated to this controversy. They even have an article investigating a report that staffers on the Bush-Cheney campaign know for a fact that Bush is wired during the debates. Fact or fiction?