Pondering Minstrel

Friday, October 08, 2004


I was turned onto The Dante Club, by Matthew Pearl, because it was on the New York Times Bestseller list, and Dan Brown, author of The DaVinci Code, praised the book. However, completing Canticle One was something of an effort. Pearl's prose is elegant and beautiful, which is something I cannot say of Brown, but so far, his story is not as engrossing as The DaVinci Code.

The Dante Club reads more like literature than a murder mystery which was something I enjoyed, but I had anticipated reading a murder mystery. Very little regarding the murders, or solving the murders, is actually presented in Canticle One, which is roughly one third of the book. Because Pearl's writing is so good, I continued on, but I was not drawn in by the way Pearl chose to weave the story of the murders and the development of the main characters, until the last 15-20 pages of the Canticle. At that point, I found myself eager to discover what happens next.

Off to Canticle Two!