To call the Vienna art group, Austrian Guggenheim, eccentric, is an understatement. In an attempt to give locals a cheerful feast for the eyes, they built a full size gingerbread house. "Bricks" were made of gingerbread, and the artists used bread to tile and frame the house.
As you might imagine, rats, birds and other vermin were attracted to this architectural feast, creating a health hazzard. Citizens complained, and inspectors deemed the house a health hazzard.
Constantin Mocanu, 67, from Galati county in Romania suffered a sleepness night because of a noisy chicken... or so he told doctors. Determined to silence the chicken once and for all, he grabbed its neck and chopped it off.
Only, instead of chopping off the chicken's neck, he chopped off his penis. Startled by his gross error, he threw his penis to his dog, which promptly ate the severed organ.
Mocanu told National newspaper, "It was after midnight when the bloody cock was making such a trouble outside. I got very angry and went out to kill it. I don't know how I got my penis instead. I was so irritated I threw it to the dog... What could I do with a piece of penis."
Surgeons could not rebuild Mocanu's penis, and not surprisingly, Mocanu's surgeons were not convinced by his story either.
Surgeon Nicolae Bacalbasa said, "It's like the Bible says. If your right hand gives you trouble then cut it off. The man is 67 and he may have had reasons to punish his organ. I am personally more tolerant with these matters."
To call the Vienna art group, Austrian Guggenheim, eccentric, is an understatement. In an attempt to give locals a cheerful feast for the eyes, they built a full size gingerbread house. "Bricks" were made of gingerbread, and the artists used bread to tile and frame the house.
As you might imagine, rats, birds and other vermin were attracted to this architectural feast, creating a health hazzard. Citizens complained, and inspectors deemed the house a health hazzard.
Constantin Mocanu, 67, from Galati county in Romania suffered a sleepness night because of a noisy chicken... or so he told doctors. Determined to silence the chicken once and for all, he grabbed its neck and chopped it off.
Only, instead of chopping off the chicken's neck, he chopped off his penis. Startled by his gross error, he threw his penis to his dog, which promptly ate the severed organ.
Mocanu told National newspaper, "It was after midnight when the bloody cock was making such a trouble outside. I got very angry and went out to kill it. I don't know how I got my penis instead. I was so irritated I threw it to the dog... What could I do with a piece of penis."
Surgeons could not rebuild Mocanu's penis, and not surprisingly, Mocanu's surgeons were not convinced by his story either.
Surgeon Nicolae Bacalbasa said, "It's like the Bible says. If your right hand gives you trouble then cut it off. The man is 67 and he may have had reasons to punish his organ. I am personally more tolerant with these matters."